Responsible Gaming Codes of Conduct – Are they worth the paper they are written on?

Responsible Gaming Codes of Conduct – Are they worth the paper they are written on?

Responsible Gaming Codes of Conduct – Are they worth the paper they are written on?

Manuals on Responsible Gaming and advertising are popular among gaming operators and associations. We want to shed some light on whether those codes are indeed a good initiative that increases customer protection.

Why are Responsible Gaming Codes and Responsible Advertising Codes on the rise?

Today, nearly every country has different sets of rules and requisites when it comes to gaming. The level at which these laws are set and governed differs greatly. For example, neither in the EU nor the US is gaming regulated at federal level, but instead at state level. 

This variety contributes to quite different regulations, although the goal of gaming laws is mainly customer protection.

Furthermore, particularly in the rising i-gaming sector, products and technologies change quicker than the law can adapt. These two facts combined lead to legal provisions that are not always state-of-the-art.

Here is where Responsible Gaming and Responsible Advertising Codes can come into play. They could be a step ahead, allowing for the harmonizing of rules between countries and raising standards, allowing providers to demonstrate that they take the protection of their customers seriously. As a positive side effect, providers could also combine such activities with the promotion of their products.

Which Provisions are part of such Codes?

Many requisites simply complement already existing rules and define them in more detail. Particularly when it comes to gaming of minors, such codes are often very detailed. Additionally, codes tend to be pro-active and include aspects not covered by law. For instance, how to deal with advertising on social media or how to solve the risk of an overload of gaming ads on TV.

Newer technologies and the opportunities they create are mirrored in self-regulating manuals. As an example: Few regulators have already included the need for early-detection tools, when it comes to the identification of at-risk gamblers. They also fail to include the need to educate customers and the broader public via campaigns about the risks of gaming, and much more.

Added Value of Self-Regulated Codes and Standards

The added value of such codes also lies in their ability to motivate regulators, who need to stay up-to-date with the fast development of products. This includes two major pillars: the need to harmonize across jurisdictions and the need to draft laws which allow for the utmost flexibility, in order to enhance and adjust legislation regularly.

At, our vision is to “help companies do well by doing good" by providing "the tools and resources to help improve net-positive impact.”

This is why we provide our clients with all the resources they need to reach the 45+ responsible gaming related standards, currently set worldwide. However, it is important to understand that too often, these standards are only a first step. The industry needs to push for better. Employees/investors and other stakeholders are already pushing towards net-positive impact and true leaders will go beyond these standards and forge a path for better.

Some examples of Responsible Gaming and Advertising Codes across the World

International Codes

European Lotteries: Link

European Gaming and Betting Association: Link

American Gaming Association: Link

Australasian Gaming Council: Link

National Codes

Betting and Gaming Council: Link 

Portuguese Betting and Gaming Associations: Link

Swedish Trade Association for Online Gaming: Link