The World Lottery Association (WLA) Certifications for Responsible Gaming are a globally recognised series of accreditations, designed to benchmark and improve the responsible gaming practices of lottery organisations. Levels 2, 3, and 4 of these certifications represent advanced stages of commitment to and implementation of responsible gaming standards. Each level signifies a deeper dedication to player protection, ethical gaming practices, and social responsibility.
digitalRG, as an expert platform in the field of responsible gaming, offers specialised services to assist organisations in attaining and maintaining WLA certification levels:
We provide tailored guides and resources for each certification level, helping organisations understand and meet the specific requirements effectively.
Our team offers comprehensive support in preparing for both internal assessments and external audits, ensuring that organisations are well-equipped to demonstrate compliance with WLA standards.
We offer a range of training programmes and workshops to build the capacity of staff at all levels, focusing on the nuances of responsible gaming practices in line with WLA guidelines.
digitalRG provides tools for continuous monitoring and improvement of responsible gaming practices, essential for maintaining higher-level certifications and staying aligned with evolving standards.
Access to a network of industry experts and a repository of best practices allows organisations to learn from others’ experiences and continually enhance their responsible gaming initiatives.
Through digitalRG, lottery organisations can navigate the complexities of WLA certifications with confidence, ensuring their practices not only comply with global standards but also contribute positively to the broader goal of responsible gaming.