Vulnerable Groups With Dr. Catania

English 00:10:00 Responsible Gaming

Module Overview:

"Understanding Vulnerable Customers" is a comprehensive e-learning module that delves into the multifaceted nature of vulnerability within the context of gambling. It explores demographic risk perspectives, offering insights into how age, gender, and other demographic factors can contribute to vulnerability. The module also examines social risk perspectives, including the role of social influences, peer pressure, and societal expectations. Additionally, it covers the concept of affected others addressing the impact of gambling on individuals surrounding the customer. The module discusses the influence of socioeconomic status, the significance of family attitudes toward gambling, and the presence of social stigma that can exacerbate vulnerability.

Learning Objectives:

  •          Gain a deep understanding of vulnerability in the context of gambling.
  •          Analyse demographic risk perspectives and their impact on vulnerability.
  •          Explore social risk perspectives, including societal influences and peer pressure.
  •          Recognize the concept of "affected others" and their role in customer vulnerability.
  •          Examine the influence of socioeconomic status, family attitudes toward gambling, and social stigma on vulnerability.
1. Vulnerable Groups With Dr. Catania
2. Knowledge Test