Responsible Marketing vs. Marketing Responsible Gaming

Responsible Marketing vs. Marketing Responsible Gaming

The webinar provided insights into two distinct yet complementary approaches to promoting games and responsible gaming, exemplified by the initiatives of Nederlandse Loterij in the Netherlands and Loterie Romande in Switzerland.

Promoting Games in a Responsible Way: Nederlandse Loterij, The Netherlands

Nederlandse Loterij, the largest game of chance organization in the Netherlands, developed a campaign to promote games in an innovative way. 

Watch for yourself here: 

Promoting Responsible Gaming efficiently: Loterie Romande, Switzerland

Loro developed a series of memorable campaigns to educate players on tools available to manage and control their play. Watch here: 


The presentation during the webinar showed how each lotteries measured effectiveness and how it informed their approach to marketing and player education. For the recording of the presentations and effectiveness measurement of the campaign, enquire about becoming a member here.

Promoting Responsible Gaming: Loterie Romande, Switzerland

Loterie Romande's approach to promoting responsible gaming focuses on awareness and moderation. The campaign aimed to:

  • Raise public awareness of problem gambling through video content.
  • Encourage the use of responsible gaming moderators.
  • Promote the national Helpline for gambling problems.

Key elements of the campaign included:

  • Avoidance of moralistic or anxiety-inducing messages, instead offering solutions and action steps.
  • The use of humour and relatable scenarios to connect with the audience.
  • A digital campaign across various platforms, including news websites, online newspapers, and social media, structured around three distinct videos.
  • The campaign's success was reflected in a significant increase in visits to the Responsible Gaming section on Loterie Romande's website, with a notable click-through rate demonstrating the effectiveness of their approach.